
(08/04/22) – Society is more concerned about “stigma” than they are “actions”.

Stigma was not the problem with AIDS/HIV. The ACTIONS that spread it was the problem.

Stigma is not the problem with Monkeypox. The ACTIONS that spread it is the problem.

And on and on I could list things from health, safety, crime and more. We can’t as a society address the ACTIONS or CHOICES people make, we have to address the “stigmas” that may be formed or seen.

What is worse is that society assigns moral implications to things that are NOT a moral issue, and then dismiss moral issues for things that ARE moral issues.

For example, if you don’t get the jab, and refuse to wear a mask, in response to Covid you are immoral and a danger to everyone around you. You are evil and selfish. And we also need to restrict or even shut down all of society.

HOWEVER, if you are a gay or bisexual man and refuse to stop having unprotected sex with multiple partners, in response to Monkeypox, that is perfectly fine and how DARE anyone suggest that you stop this behavior (if only until the pox dies out). AND we must allow homosexual sex oriented events and gay orgies in general to continue.

Again, this whole thing extends well past AIDS/HIV or Monkeypox. It extends to almost every harmful or dangerous issue our nation faces. From crime, to mental health, to physical health and fitness, and on and on. And frankly it is outright INSANE.

Stigma. I say we need a hell of a lot more “stigmas” out there. They exist for a reason. And it isn’t by default “bad”. But on that same note, society does not seem to have a problem with a “stigma” concerning people who support the Constitution, or the Rights contained within it. Funny how THAT works, isn’t it?


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  1. Leo says:

    The communist left has done a very good job of conditioning people to accept their propaganda, by using college students and political correctness. It’s amazing how many have fallen for it..


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